07446 131513


Accelerated English

Rapid improvement through tailor-made tuition 


 Why Accelerated English

Covering preparation for 11+ exams, KS3 skills sessions, GCSE and IGCSE exam preparation, and A Level Language and Literature support, Accelerated English offers bespoke English tuition to improve confidence and performance in all aspects of the subject. 

What we offer

Whether you are looking for long-term support, help preparing for exams, a quick fix in a problem area or just a lift in confidence, Accelerated English can give you the boost you need.

Unique Approach

The teaching method is based on the tutor's 28 years' experience, working with students in a range of state, grammar and independent schools. Consistently excellent results have been gained through establishing a unique rapport with students of all abilities.

Remote or Face-to-Face Learning

You can choose between remote learning (through Google Meet, for example) or face-to-face (at the student or tutor's home). Whichever option is best for you, an online classroom can also be set up to deliver materials and check work outside of tutorials.

Bespoke, Focused Lessons 

Lessons are typically one hour in length and are tailored to the student's needs. A diagnostic check is made at an initial meeting to gauge which areas need most support and then materials, assignments and tuition style are geared to meet those needs.

Accelerated English

English is the most important subject on a school’s curriculum. It develops a student’s ability to read, write and communicate clearly and accurately – skills of vital importance in achieving highly in all other subjects as well as succeeding in any career. But it’s not easy and many students struggle to feel confident in a subject that is so important to their future. That’s where Accelerated English can help.

We have experience of working with all types of learner from a wide range of educational settings and have a track record of enabling quantifiable and marked improvements in outcomes. From success at 11+, to securing top grades at GCSE, to students achieving full UMS at A Level, Accelerated English can develop confidence and improve results for all students from Key Stage 2-5.

Meet the Tutor

Matt has worked in a wide range of schools over the last 28 years, from state schools in Moldova and Poland to the region’s highest-performing secondary schools including Hallfield, Blue Coat, Bishop Challoner College, KEVI Camp Hill Boys and KEVI Handsworth School for Girls. He has worked as Assistant Principal, Head of Learning and Head of English and now uses his experience and expertise to help students improve their performance in English on a one-to-one basis. 

Matt uses a range of techniques and resources to bring English to life and to make learning sticky – offering simple advice to achieve long-term success. Previous students have achieved Top 5 marks nationally in English Literature, won awards in national writing competitions and gained full marks at A Level. More importantly, however, the positive and mutually respectful relationships he has built up with classes and individual students has enabled these successes. 


I've never enjoyed English before. Thank you for helping to understand in such a fun way.

Y6 Student

Thank you for being such a supportive and understanding teacher throughout remote learning. You have made online lessons much more enjoyable and manageable whilst being at home.

Y11 Student

Thanks for being an amazing teacher over the last few months. I'll miss your lessons a lot.

Y10 Student

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Contact us today to discover how Accelerated English can improve confidence and results

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